Fondazione Merz


Workshops with artist Elena Mazzi

Four free events are planned: 9-12-21-23 March 2023


Free but obligatory reservation via this link 


The activity is part of the “Le cose che abbiamo in comune” project (The things we have in common), coordinated by Associazione Comala and financed by the city of Turin

Within the Detour project Elena Mazzi activates a path of exploration of the Cenisia/San Paolo district of which Piazzale Chiribiri is a part. Four free events are planned.

The artist proposes a series of workshops to residents, students and citizens aimed at getting to know and share the different realities that coexist in the area, starting from a text entitled ‘Specie di spazi’ (Species of Spaces) by George Perec and from local meetings and walks.
The participatory experience is intended as a shared exploration that will have as its collective outcome a mapping of the territory in the form of an artist’s book.
The routes were created as the result of a dialogue between different bodies present in the territory: Libreria Belgravia, Associazione Comala, ANPI Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia, Viaggi Solidali, Paradero Nomis, Associazione Monginevro Cultura.

Four free events are planned:

9th March 10am-1pm > commemorative walk in collaboration with ANPI Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia

12 March 10 a.m.-1 p.m. > walk in Ruffini Park with Paola Sifletto, who will present the activity of Shinrin – yoku (literally “forest bathing”), a Japanese technique created in Japan in the early 1980s to bring people back to nature for therapeutic purposes.

21 March 3-6 pm > “Borgo San Paolo sin fronteras” walk with Migrantour. A walk through the streets of the neighbourhood to discover the contributions of migrants from Latin America, and in particular from Peru. Migrantour walks by Viaggi Solidali promote social cohesion and foster intercultural dialogue. In collaboration with the Paradero Nomis project.

23 March 14.30-17.30 > a walk through the former factories of Borgo San Paolo in collaboration with Associazione Monginevro Cultura.