Fondazione Merz



a diary of trapped works

#RaccontoCaptivus, a diary of trapped works, is the format presented on the Fondazione’s social channels, taking as its premise the wish for a rapid exit from the lockdown of Italian museums on International Museum Day (18 May 2020).

In a night of empty museums, in empty cities, we imagine that the works of art, themselves trapped, can speak to us and be the spokespersons for a collective experience, describing the silence, solitude, fears and hopes of the places and of their souls.

The first story, “Io sono solo un muro” (I am only a wall), inspired by Damián Ortega’s Talking Wall created for ÜberMauer, the second edition of the BAM Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo, has been written by Agata Polizzi, curator and historian of Palermo art, and is read by one of the most interesting actors on the Italian scene, himself from Palermo: Claudio Gioè.

The second story, “Schermaglie” (Skirmishes), written by Beatrice Merz is inspired by the works displayed in the Mario Merz: El tiempo es Mudo | Time is Mute exhibition at the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid. Actress Costanza Minafra interprets the text.